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The size and structure of the UK financial advice market 2024

If you’re looking to sell software, products, or services, into the UK Financial Adviser market then you need to understand its size and structure.

You should start by looking at the figures published by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Their figures are, of course, accurate and up to date but, they only relate to the firms they directly regulate, i.e. ‘Directly Regulated’ (DR) firms. They don’t give full visibility to the significant number of firms that operate as ‘Appointed Representatives’ (AR) of some of the DR firms.

Some consultancy firms have produced a range of useful reports, facts and figures relating to the size and structure of the advice market but, despite their best intentions, they often paint a misleading picture. This is primarily because they don’t recognise the full impact of the difference between DR and AR firms.

This paper has been produced by people that have worked extensively within, and across, every part of the UK advice market to provide a true picture of the market in terms of both its size and structure. In particular, they have worked at senior levels within both DR and AR firms acquiring a deep understanding of both models

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