Event: intelliflo innovate 2024We're proud partners of intelliflo innovate 2024 on the 4th of June. For more than 13 years, Jigsaw Tree has been collaborating with...
Circadian and Jigsaw Tree join forces in a strategic alignmentCircadian and Jigsaw Tree have forged a pivotal partnership, pooling resources for enhanced collaboration. Both of our businesses...
Outsourcing Your Income Reconciliation – It couldn’t be easier.If you like the idea of outsourcing your income reconciliation but think you haven’t got the time to make the change, then let’s explain...
Boosting Productivity in the Face of the Consumer Duty: Tips for Adviser FirmsOne thing’s for sure, if you’re a financial adviser there’s no getting away from Consumer Duty for the foreseeable future. And, depending...
Why Outsource your Income Reconciliation?Working through paperwork with a calculator to demonstrate why you should outsource your income reconciliation