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Taming the Beast that is intelliflo Office!

intelliflo Office (iO) has been part of the Financial Advice industry for well over 20 years and is now, by some considerable margin, the leading practice management solution used by advice businesses both large and small. Over that time the iO application has been continually developed and is now infinitely more capable than when it was first launched all those years ago. It’s also become significantly more flexible providing businesses like yours with an extensive capability to configure its functionality to meet your specific needs. All of which is extremely valuable but, perhaps due to the sheer scale of configurable options and parameters, it sometimes needs a bit of expert input to get the system operating just as you’d like it. Having somebody around that ‘lives and breathes’ iO configuration will not only save you time, but will also provide you with that all-important reassurance that everything has been done right!

At Jigsaw Tree we have numerous staff who’ve worked for a range of advice businesses most of whom also have the scars of using and configuring iO over many years! Not only do they keep themselves up to date with all the latest software releases they also have that real world experience of knowing how the functionality can best be deployed in practice. And, just to prove the point Jigsaw Tree was the first advice support business to become a fully certified in all aspects of iO (training, configuration, implementation, and outsourced income reconciliation). So, we know what we’re doing!

We can, of course, help you with any iO related training, configuration or deployment issue but over the course of over a decade of trading we’ve developed a sense of what services advice firms most frequently need. That’s why we’ve created a couple of specially priced iO configuration packages. We’ve called them ‘Acer’ and ‘Elm’ just make things easier when we’re talking about them.

The ’Acer’ package is designed for adviser firms with up to ten users and provides a wide range of configuration services across functions such as Client Segmentation, Service Status, Fee Models, Workflows (covering advice, new business, and administration), Document production (in Document Designer), Provider valuation feeds and Compliance functionality. The ‘Acer’ package will ensure that your Fee Model is aligned to your Service Agreements as well as setting you up with a Best Practice Dashboard. And we’ll give you the training required to ensure your staff are confident using everything we’ve set up for you!

The ’Elm’ package delivers all the above for firms with 11-50 users. It delivers a more extensive range of services all wrapped up within a full project management service.

Of course, you might be completely happy with your iO configuration, but you still want some support with training, e.g. training new staff or just learning how to use new functionality. If so, then we have the expertise to help you.

So, if you think you should be getting more from your iO solution why not consider asking Jigsaw Tree to give you a hand? Just get in contact with us and ask for the ‘Acer’ & ‘Elm’ Configuration Package flyers which will give you a more detailed description of these services.

Not an IO user?

As you might expect Jigsaw Tree doesn’t just specialise in the use of intelliflo Office, we hold accreditations/certifications in Time4Advice, Xplan, Plannr and are familiar with most of the leading Financial Adviser technology solutions. So, if you think we might be able to help then please contact the Jigsaw Tree team, We’d be pleased to hear from you.

Don't forget we also offer a FREE 30-minute consultation which you can book here.


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