Income Reconciliation

Free your time for your clients
The importance of correctly recording, reconciling and reporting income should never be underestimated, At Jigsaw Tree, our Outsourcing Team, have a wealth of knowledge of the leading CRM systems income and fee functionality. You benefit from our income reconciliation and reporting expertise. Let Jigsaw Tree take care of this for you so that you can focus time on where your clients’ value it the most.

“Using Jigsaw Tree Outsourcing Income Reconciliation service has ‘set me free’. Jigsaw Tree are a great help and contribute to an effective and efficient income reconciliation process. Additionally, our data is much better as a ‘by’ product of this service. “
Mike Leigh – Haven Financial

“Prior to Jigsaw Tree's income reconciliation service, it was done via excel with no sight of fee expectations. This is no longer the case. We could not have set up income reconciliation within Intelliflo Office without Jigsaw Tree. An additional benefit is they have removed the risks around having a single person doing income reconciliation. “
Brian Russell – Russell Investments

“We have been using Jigsaw Tree to help with our income reconciliation for the past seven years and we find their service efficient, friendly and extremely valuable during the month-end process. I would recommend them to any firm looking to tighten up their procedures.“
Lisa Djekic– First Financial Advisers